Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Democracy....a failed experiment?

Politics and our national cultural landscape  have been on my mind a lot lately.

I think it's time that Americans revolt.  I'm not talking about some neo-con, freakish Tea Party circus.  I'm talking about real, serious change.  Poor Obama.  He used that word way too much without realizing that he's still part of the very cause of the problem:  the market-centric, two party system.

What do I mean by that?  I think it's fairly clear.  Politicians  on either side of the 'aisle' are worried about the exact same thing:  themselves.  We have a system of government, at least currently, that rewards the jackasses that are able to win the most financial support from corporations, who in turn basically buy people's votes through dumb advertising and smear campaigns (which will only become worse with the STUPID recent Supreme Court decision--dumbasses!).  Those very same people stand before us and pretend that there are real, tangible differences between them and the folks in the other party.  What they fail to reveal is that those differences are mostly posturing and positioning to ensure that they appeal to a certain base; a base large enough to keep their butts in their 'seats' for as long as they want.

This system is tearing apart our country.  It's a direct departure from a government of the people, for the people and by the people.  It's become a government of the market, for the market and by the market.  Not exactly what our founding fathers/mothers intended when they left tyrannical England.

This political bullshit is only matched by the banal, inane, tepid and utterly stupid cultural atmosphere in which we live.  We live in a culture that dares to even CARE that Howard Stern called that girl fat, etc.  We live in a culture where more people watch American Idol than vote in local elections.  It's FREAKING ridiculous that we allow ourselves to be distracted from the real problems of our time only to be lulled to sleep each night with all these morally vapid, corrupting influences, all under the guise of entertainment.  Take a look at what we watch:  survivor, american idol, the bachelor, and the list goes on.  The premise of all these shows is that the world is dog-eat-dog and that you should use any means whatsoever to get ahead.  The only time acting virtuously is promoted is when it will get you votes on the jury.   We're no longer given examples of people who do the right thing for its own sake and who sacrifice their lives, energy and comfort for the greater good.  Nope, that's moralistic naiveté reserved for preachers and children.

These two things together have created a perfect storm of cultural and political decline (perhaps one caused the other, but I'm not sure about that) that will lead to the fall of the American Empire.  Mark my words:  If we don't do something about this, we will go the way of Rome.  And, furthermore, we deserve it.  Period.

We've been given the most wonderful gift in being American.  Guaranteed Rights (well, not any more), opportunity to prosper (nope, not so much any longer), and strong, moral values (scratch that).  Those who know me know I'm no lover of religion or authoritarianism.  However, I'd almost prefer Plato's Republic to what we have now.

Bottom line folks, we MUST do something.  I don't advocate violence, coups, etc.  What I advocate is twofold:

1.  Let's overthrow the two party system.   Let's foster hatred for their vapidity, and engender a desire for more, real choices.  In states where Independent is not allowed on ballots, let's CHANGE that and then elect people who are neither Republican nor Democrate, but AMERICAN.

2.  Let's boycott all the dumb TV shows that hold us captive.  Turn off the damn TV and go outside and enjoy our world.  Get off your asses and be human again, not just a conduit for advertising leverage on an electric box.

I vow to do my part.  Henceforth, I will NEVER vote again for a Demo-crap or a Republi-cant.  I'll put my vote where my values are and will vote for those who really have our Country's best interest in mind.  That might mean that there's no one to vote for.  I hope not.  If so, I'll work my best to help build up people who do.  I'll also work in my home state, Oklahoma, to bring real ballot change and expand our choices.  Lastly, I promise to watch less crap TV and to put my time where it matters.  This doesn't mean I'll NEVER watch it, but that I'll pay much attention to it.

We MUST act.  We MUST do something.  Let's prove that Democracy is NOT a failed experiment and that people can RISE up to new heights and not just SINK to new lows.  We've done enough of the latter in our current culture and political system.  Let's turn the tide and start anew.

Let's save America from the Americans.


1 comment:

  1. "I'll put my vote where my values are and will vote for those who really have our Country's best interest in mind. That might mean that there's no one to vote for. I hope not. If so, I'll work my best to help build up people who do. I'll also work in my home state, Oklahoma, to bring real ballot change and expand our choices." Well, Brett, my dear friend, it would seem that you have put you finger directly on the issue, and your foot in it as well. In order to effect the changes you want, you are probably going to to have to step up. Be the change you want to see as it were. Have you considered politics?
